Orange County Partnership - News

Doing Nothing is Not an Option

Years ago, while the Partnership was maneuvering through the impacts of the “Great Recession", our Board of Directors unanimously decided that launching a full-blown marketing campaign, even during the worst of times, would position Orange County well when the economy turned around. They were right then and we believe the same strategy holds true today.    


These are uncertain times. As you will read in several of today’s e-newsletter articles, the pandemic has altered the pace and ability to efficiently and economically construct projects.  Many industries are cautious about proceeding with expansion plans until things become more stable. 


As economic developers, our mission is to fill the pipeline with leads that will result in job growth. To that end, we are ramping up our marketing efforts to illustrate the success stories currently under construction in Orange County, and promote the properties that are available in our inventory. 


Most recently, we teamed up with the County Executive and Capacity Marketing to produce and promote a cheeky video tour of the construction activity in Orange County.  Check it out here:


Perhaps the most prudent thing to do is to play it safe, to do nothing and wait for the economic recovery. However, the readers of this newsletter know that experts believe that with the current e-commerce boom will come the need for additional distribution and fulfillment centers, one of Orange County’s core strengths.


Another prevailing trend in the time of COVID-19 is that people and businesses are looking to house their operations out of urban centers, which could result in small to medium-sized manufacturers and service firms exploring opportunities here in Orange County.


With this in mind, this moment in time reminds me of quotes from two famous Americans:


"Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly."

Robert F. Kennedy


"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."

T.S. Eliot


The Orange County Partnership, throughout its history, has never wavered in its commitment to the business community and has always had one goal in mind—to be the first in line when companies are ready to make their move.


With that said, doing nothing is not an option.